Water Quality Advisory Committee
The Clean Rivers Program is a comprehensive watershed assessment program that encourages stakeholders to participate in local water quality protection efforts.
One way to get involved is to join the LCRA Water Quality Advisory Committee. Committee members represent a variety of interests, including non-governmental organizations, industry, government, agriculture and the public at large. Members help identify and prioritize local water quality concerns and make recommendations for future actions to protect and improve water quality. Citizen participation enables the Clean Rivers Program staff to have a more comprehensive understanding of the basin’s waterways and gives committee members a chance to learn about the processes behind characterizing and improving water quality. Sign up to join our email list.
There are two water quality advisory committees in the Colorado River basin. The Upper Colorado River Authority hosts an annual meeting in the region above O.H. Ivie Reservoir. LCRA hosts an annual meeting for stakeholders in the downstream region of the basin.

2024 Water Quality Advisory Committee meeting attendees in Austin
See Upper Colorado River Authority website.
11/13/2024 Bastrop Meeting Minutes (to be posted soon) | CRP Updates | Aquatic Life Monitoring | American Eels in the Colorado River | Colorado River below Austin Turbidity Investigation | Native Mussel Conservation | Nutrient Criteria Progress and Updates | Colorado River Land Trust | The Austin-Bastrop River Corridor Partnership
5/23/2024 Austin and Virtual Meeting Minutes | CRP Updates | Water Conservation and Drought | Colorado River Protections | Get Fertilizer Wiser | E. coli Trends | Water Quality Permit Review | Data Updates
03/30/2023 Austin and Virtual Meeting Minutes | CRP Update | Basin Summary Report | TPWD Initiatives | Weather Outlook | Environmental Flows | Great Springs Project | Rain to River | Cyanotoxins
05/26/2022 Virtual Meeting Minutes | CRP Update | Summer Weather Outlook | Plants and Microplastics | Basin Summary Report Planning | Stakeholder Updates | Water Quality Roundtable
08/12/2021 Virtual Meeting Minutes | CRP Update | Diatom and Macroinvertebrate Response to Stressors | Harmful Algae in the Highland Lakes | Austin Youth River Watch | Hill Country Alliance | Colorado River Alliance
08/25/2020 Virtual Meeting Minutes | CRP and Integrated Report Update | Matagorda Bay | LBL Harmful Algae Bloom | Rain Catcher Pilot Program
04/30/2019 Fredericksburg CRP Update | Pedernales River Nutrients | Land Restoration
04/09/2019 Austin Meeting Minutes | CRP Update | Flood Overview | Austin Boil Water Notice | Land Restoration | Zebra Mussel Update
03/08/2018 Columbus Meeting Minutes | CRP Update | Hot Topics | Buckners Creek | Tres Palacios WPP | Zebra Mussels
03/06/2018 Austin Meeting Minutes | CRP Updates | Hot Topics | Zebra Mussels | Inks Lake Freshwater Mussels
04/19/2017 Austin Meeting Minutes | CRP Update | Upper Llano WPP | Central Texas Mussels | Lake Austin Mussels | Draft WW Permit | Lake Austin Phytoplankton
04/21/2016 Austin Meeting Minutes | Water Management Plan | Freshwater mussels | Wastewater Rule-making | Texas Nonpoint Source Management Program
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