News Releases




Driving across the dry lakebed at Lake Buchanan is allowed in certain circumstances

Continuing drought triggers increased restrictions for LCRA water customers


LCRA announces 2025 schedule for property owners who want to treat invasive aquatic vegetation

LCRA may limit customers to once-a-week outdoor watering beginning in March



LCRA accepting applications in January for community grants

LCRA awards almost $900,000 in grants for community projects

LCRA awards $50,000 grant to Frelsburg Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, City of Brenham award $4,896 grant for new lights at high school theater

LCRA, City of Brenham award $10,000 grant to Brenham Heritage Museum

LCRA awards $11,437 grant for improvements to Stafford Opera House

LCRA, PEC award $24,438 grant to Lakeway Police Department for new lifesaving medical equipment

LCRA and Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $23,819 grant to Prairie Hill-Rocky Hill Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA and Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $18,123 grant to Meyersville Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, City of La Grange award $25,000 grant for improvements to masonic lodge

LCRA, City of Giddings award $25,000 grant for improvements to American Legion Hall

LCRA, City of La Grange award $23,684 grant to renovate restrooms in school district’s 1938 Hermes Gym

LCRA, City of Giddings award $20,080 grant to Lee County Little League

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $17,710 grant to Blue VFD


LCRA, City of Cuero award $18,568 grant to Cuero Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, City of Luling award $25,000 grant for air conditioning in Luling Foundation’s demonstration barn

LCRA awards $25,000 grant for improvements to the Luling Civic Center

LCRA, City of Cuero award $50,000 grant to expand Chisholm Trail Heritage Museum

LCRA awards $4,938 grant to Ander-Weser Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, PEC award $7,488 grant to Bergheim Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, Bandera Electric Co-op award $50,000 grant to Frio Canyon Parks Association

LCRA, Coastal Bend radio coalition join forces to keep first responders connected outside their service areas

LCRA awards $15,715 grant to Matagorda Historical Society for upgrades at Heritage Park

LCRA awards $50,000 grant for new roof at historic Blessing Hotel

LCRA awards $24,967 grant to renovate local Knights of Columbus Hall

LCRA awards $25,000 grant for upgrades to Richland Hall

LCRA awards $12,767 grant to City of Mason for new disc golf course

LCRA, City of Goldthwaite award $23,498 grant for improvements to golf course clubhouse

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $24,400 grant to Bastrop County First Responders


LCRA awards $24,974 grant to Tom Green County for park improvements

LCRA awards $23,582 grant to Crockett County Museum for new sign

LCRA awards $20,214 grant to Junction After School Program, Family Center

LCRA, PEC award $50,000 grant to Kimble County EMS for new ambulance

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Fredericksburg Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to City of Coleman to help residents keep properties up to code

LCRA awards $13,430 grant to Comanche Shores VFD

LCRA awards $22,249 grant to Bangs VFD for life-saving equipment

LCRA awards $24,996 grant to Coleman County Youth Activity Center for major renovations

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Tow Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, PEC Award $25,000 grant to Falls on the Colorado Museum

LCRA awards $7,478 grant to promote water conservation


LCRA offers more ways to save with expanded WaterSmart rebate program

Water conservation continues to be vitally important, especially during hot summer months


LCRA accepting applications in July for community grants

LCRA awards more than $1 million in grants for community projects

LCRA awards $9,161 grant to Edwin Wolters Memorial Museum

LCRA, City of Yoakum award $25,000 grant for digital sign at high school

LCRA awards $50,000 grant to Belmont Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, City of San Marcos award $9,885 grant to Hays County

LCRA, City of Llano award $13,265 grant to Llano County for emergency equipment

LCRA, PEC award $24,000 grant to Kempner Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, City of San Saba award $50,000 grant to San Saba Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $25,000 grant for new cultural center

LCRA, City of La Grange award $23,500 grant for new generator at emergency shelter

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Sheridan Community Center

LCRA awards $4,800 grant for upgrades to historic building in Columbus

LCRA returns to Stage 1 of its drought response as lake levels increase


LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Oakridge Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $14,112 grant to Rosanky Community Center Association

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $41,278 grant to Paige Community Club

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $15,868 grant to Dime Box Heritage Society

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $20,371 grant for St. John Colony Civic Center

LCRA, City of Lexington award $25,000 grant for new lighting at ball fields

LCRA, PEC award $15,708 grant to Hays County ESD #6

LCRA, City of Luling award $20,336 grant for Fritz Zedler House repairs

LCRA’s Memorial Day message: Stay safe on the Highland Lakes

LCRA Board approves business and capital plans for fiscal year 2025

LCRA, City of Goldthwaite award $25,000 grant for repairs to Mills County Historical Museum

LCRA, City of Lampasas award $25,000 grant to Lampasas Trails

LCRA, Hamilton County Electric Co-op award $19,172 grant to Adamsville VFD

LCRA, Hamilton County Electric Co-op award $10,716 grant to American Legion Post 487

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Cat Spring Agricultural Society

LCRA, City of Bellville award $25,000 grant for modernized community message board

LCRA awards $4,796 grant for upgrades to popular community hall in Eagle Lake

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Columbus Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA awards $25,000 grant for Kingsland Community Park Hall renovations

LCRA, PEC award $25,000 grant to Horseshoe Bay Fire Department

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Olden Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA awards $17,432 grant to Brookesmith Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA awards $39,780 grant to Blanket Volunteer Fire Fighters Association

LCRA, Bandera Electric Co-op award $8,760 grant to Pipe Creek VFD

LCRA awards $20,000 grant to Kinney County Fire Rescue

LCRA awards $8,538 grant to the City of Brackettville for new UTV

LCRA, City of Brady award $25,000 grant for cardiac equipment for McCulloch County Hospital District ambulance

LCRA awards $17,920 grant to Pontotoc Ranch Fire Association

LCRA awards $50,000 grant for new Schleicher County library


LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Northside Center for new restrooms

LCRA awards $14,526 grant to Matagorda Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA awards $2,850 grant to Palacios museum

LCRA awards $50,000 grant to Ledbetter VFD

LCRA, City of Brenham award $25,000 grant to Unity Theatre Company

LCRA awards $25,000 to City of Brenham for new mobile message boards

LCRA Volunteers Take on Projects in 30 Texas Communities During Steps Forward Day

LCRA to build second unit at new peaker power plant in Central Texas

LCRA announces new schedule, rebates for managing invasive aquatic vegetation on lakes Inks, LBJ and Marble Falls


First of 10 new floodgates installed at Wirtz Dam

Most LCRA agricultural customers will go without Highland Lakes water in 2024


LCRA limits outdoor watering to once a week until the drought eases


LCRA community grant program accepting applications through January



LCRA awards almost a million dollars in grants to support dozens of community projects

LCRA, Bandera Electric Co-op award $25,000 grant to Bandera American Legion

LCRA, Bandera Electric Co-op award $19,320 grant to Utopia Volunteer Fire and Rescue

LCRA, PEC award $24,750 grant for new gear to Round Mountain VFD

LCRA, PEC award $19,800 grant to help Hays County firefighters save lives

LCRA, PEC award $8,800 grant for Commemorative Air Force Museum upgrades

LCRA, City of Goldthwaite award $8,253 grant for improvements to community theater

LCRA, Hamilton County Electric Co-op award $32,464 grant to Lometa VFD

LCRA awards $20,846 grant to revamp community center to assist in disaster relief

LCRA, City of San Saba award $16,940 grant for library renovations

LCRA, City of Bellville award $18,010 grant to Bellville Pickleball League

LCRA, City of Bellville award $25,000 grant for purchase of mobile command center

LCRA awards $20,000 grant for improvements at Hempstead City Hall

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Shelby Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, City of Weimar award $50,000 grant to Weimar VFD for updated safety gear

LCRA and City of Giddings award $25,000 grant to Lee County Youth Center

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $10,000 grant to Winchester Area Civic Association

LCRA, City of La Grange award $25,000 grant for shade structure at park playground


LCRA awards $7,098 grant to Rising Star VFD for new communications equipment

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Eastland County Museum

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $25,000 grant to Maxwell Community VFD

LCRA, City of Smithville award $25,000 grant to Lost Pines Artisans Alliance

LCRA awards $12,908 grant to Gonzales Healthcare Systems for life-saving equipment

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $50,000 grant to Caldwell County first responders

LCRA awards $5,000 grant for rainwater harvesting project in downtown Kerrville

LCRA awards $20,797 grant to Medina County for all-terrain vehicle

LCRA, City of Hallettsville award $25,000 grant to Hallettsville Lions Club for park renovations

LCRA awards $8,180 grant to Falls City ISD for new communication tools

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Kenedy VFD for new specialized radios

LCRA, City of Lampasas award $25,000 grant for upgrades to 580 Sports Complex

LCRA, City of Lampasas award $12,359 grant to Lampasas Community Gardens

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $24,238 grant to Red Rock Community Center

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $25,000 grant for upgrades to basketball court and playground

LCRA awards $12,404 grant to Valley Spring VFD for new firefighter gear

LCRA, City of Llano award $25,000 grant for renovations of historic building facades

LCRA awards $47,665 grant for improvements to Richland Springs ballfield

LCRA awards $10,897 grant for new AC/heating units at Lohn event center


LCRA awards $13,440 grant to Cisco Fire Department

LCRA awards $10,200 grant for improvements to Rockwood Community Center

LCRA awards $25,000 grant for heart monitor to West Coke County EMS

LCRA awards $10,200 grant for upgrades to Prairie Edge Museum

LCRA awards $50,000 grant for park upgrades in McCamey

LCRA awards $17,360 grant for upgrades to historic building in Upton County

LCRA awards $10,000 grant to expand Matagorda County Museum exhibition space

LCRA awards $25,000 grant for repairs to Eagle Lake public swimming pool

LCRA awards $50,000 grant to Friends of the Palacios Library

Staying serious about water conservation


LCRA working to meet future water needs in fast-growing areas


‘Be LakeWise’ on the Highland Lakes over the holiday weekend

LCRA testing detects toxic algae in Lake LBJ and Inks Lake

LCRA urges cutbacks in outdoor watering as severe drought persists

LCRA TSC works to storm harden transmission lines in northern Travis County

LCRA selects Fagen, Inc. to design and build new peaker power plant in Central Texas


LCRA strongly encourages additional water conservation as lake levels decline

LCRA awards $15,000 grant to boost water conservation efforts in new developments


LCRA offering rebates for milfoil management on Lake LBJ, Inks Lake

LCRA urges everyone to use water wisely

LCRA offering grants of up to $50,000 for community projects

LCRA awards nearly $815,000 in grants to support community projects

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $25,000 grant to upgrade park in Carmine

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $15,000 grant for upgrades to Burton Park

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $25,000 grant to Tanglewood VFD

LCRA and PEC award $25,000 grant to Lights Spectacular

LCRA, PEC award $21,795 grant for upgrades to historic building in Dripping Springs

LCRA, PEC award $31,300 grant to Sandy Harbor Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to the James Dick Foundation for the Performing Arts

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $25,000 grant to Lincoln Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, City of Bellville award $50,000 grant to Bellville Little League for new lighting

LCRA awards $50,000 grant to Eagle Lake VFD for roof replacement, new lighting

LCRA, City of Flatonia award $13,311 grant to Flatonia VFD

LCRA, PEC award $24,771 grant to Florence Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $9,730 grant for Bastrop pickleball court lights

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $25,000 grant to Bastrop County firefighters

LCRA, Bandera Electric Co-op award $25,000 grant to Greater Medina Lake Little League

LCRA awards $43,850 grant to Kimble Rural Fire Department

LCRA, City of Goldthwaite award $25,000 grant to Goldthwaite botanical gardens

LCRA awards $5,000 grant to Melvin Community Center


LCRA and PEC award $24,000 grant for community pavilion in Blanco

LCRA, Travis County Sheriff’s Office urge everyone to stay safe on the water this summer

LCRA Board approves business and capital plans for fiscal year 2024

‘Be LakeWise’ when visiting the Highland Lakes

LCRA, City of Weimar award $24,924 grant for electrical upgrades to Veterans Memorial Hall

LCRA awards $25,000 grant for electronic public message marquee in Lexington

LCRA awards $22,931 grant for safety, rescue gear to Eula VFD

LCRA awards $46,800 grant to Talpa Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, City of Smithville award $15,920 grant to update historical museum building

LCRA, City of Bastrop award $25,000 grant to Bastrop Little League

LCRA, City of Shiner award $25,000 grant to Shiner Academic and Athletic Foundation

LCRA Awards $25,000 grant to Winchell Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, City of Brady award $10,638 grant to McCulloch County Historical Theater Society

LCRA awards $12,713 grant for new playground equipment at Brady Lake

LCRA awards $24,820 grant to Grape Creek VFD

LCRA awards $24,000 grant to Palacios Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Matagorda County for two all-purpose ATVs

LCRA awards $13,448 grant to Sheffield VFD


LCRA volunteers take on projects in 30 communities during Steps Forward Day


LCRA selects Caldwell County for site of new peaker plant

No Highland Lakes water available for LCRA agricultural customers this year


LCRA awards $100,000 grant to Lake Travis-area water district to aid in water conservation efforts


LCRA to build new peaker power plant to help support Texas electric grid

LCRA begins major improvement project at Wirtz Dam

Refill of Lake Marble Falls set to begin Monday, Jan. 16

LCRA awards more than $985,000 in community grants

LCRA, City of San Saba award $25,000 grant to help with emergency responses



LCRA awards $25,000 grant for new sign at Riverbend Park

LCRA awards $5,000 grant for new life-saving gear for YMCA of Central Texas

LCRA offering grants of up to $50,000 for community projects

LCRA postpones refill of Lake Marble Falls

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to create community exercise trail in Palacios

LCRA awards $5,000 grant to Palacios Library

LCRA awards $23,633 grant to El Campo Emergency Medical Service

LCRA and PEC award $17,571 grant to Horseshoe Bay Nature Park

LCRA, PEC award $24,515 grant for water tank to aid firefighting efforts

LCRA, City of Llano award $23,587 grant to Llano River Railroad

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Ottine Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $4,463 Grant to Maxwell Social Club

LCRA, Bluebonnet Co-op award $23,055 grant to McMahan Community Women’s Club

LCRA awards $25,000 grant for public library drive-thru window

LCRA, City of Goldthwaite award $20,000 grant for baseball field improvements

LCRA, City of Goldthwaite award $10,570 grant to American Legion Post

LCRA awards $16,720 grant to Doss Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA awards $50,000 grant for improvements at popular community park in Menard

LCRA, City of La Grange award $19,973 grant to Fayette County EMS Foundation

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $15,654 grant to Washington Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $14,953 grant for new playground equipment


LCRA awards $8,832 grant to New Bielau-Content Community Center

LCRA awards $7,569 grant to Oakland Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Cat Spring Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, City of Brenham award $13,478 grant for chest compression system

LCRA, City of La Grange award $11,901 grant for new HVAC units at live music venue

LCRA, PEC award $12,287 grant to help Marble Falls Area EMS provide better patient care

LCRA, Bandera Electric Co-op award $24,609 grant to Utopia Volunteer EMS

LCRA, Bandera Electric Co-op award $25,000 grant to Medina Lake VFD

LCRA awards $12,000 grant for new roof at popular outdoor sports court in Boerne

LCRA awards $16,000 grant to ambulance service in Coke County

LCRA awards $25,000 grant for new lighting, A/C for the Coleman Public Library

LCRA awards $20,004 grant for upgrades to Brownwood Art Center

LCRA, PEC award $5,000 grant to upgrade water tanks used by area firefighters

LCRA, PEC award $50,000 grant to support new air medical service in Blanco County

LCRA, City of Giddings award $50,000 grant to Giddings Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, City of Giddings award $25,000 grant to Combined Community Action

LCRA awards $24,000 grant to Deanville Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA awards $35,371 grant to restore Mullin Community Center

LCRA awards $20,000 grant for new lighting at Harvey and Jane Mueller Rodeo Arena in Cuero

LCRA awards $24,612 grant to develop new health and wellness trails in Goliad

LCRA awards $22,456 grant to Karnes County Emergency Medical Services


LCRA awards $50,000 grant to renovate Boling Little League facility

LCRA awards $50,000 grant to Bay City for new soccer fields

LCRA awards $6,813 grant to Tri County Emergency Medical Services

LCRA awards $16,580 grant to Mathis Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA awards $4,825 grant to Weslaco Fire Department for rescue tools


Drawdown of Lake Marble Falls set to begin Oct. 1


LCRA to lower Lake Marble Falls for three months to allow needed work at Starcke Dam


Drought conditions require LCRA to cut off Highland Lakes water for agricultural customers


LCRA urges visitors to ‘Be LakeWise’ and play it safe on the lakes

LCRA offering grants of up to $50,000 for eligible community projects

LCRA awards more than $815,000 in community grants

LCRA awards $12,619 grant to add rescue equipment to new Brownwood firetruck

LCRA awards $50,000 grant for major renovations at Early park

LCRA, Bluebonnet Co-op Award $11,349 Grant to Lee County Amateur Radio Emergency Services


LCRA and City of Shiner award $25,000 grant to Gaslight Theatre

LCRA, City of Hallettsville award $25,000 grant to Lavaca Swimming Pool

LCRA, City of Brady award $25,000 grant for new playground equipment

LCRA, City of Brady award $4,762 grant to Salvation Army Brady

LCRA awards $19,000 grant to Harper Community Park Association

LCRA, City of Mason award $50,000 grant to renovate Mason courthouse square public facilities

LCRA awards $24,871 grant to Garwood Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA, City of La Grange award $12,000 grant to help restore historic train depot

LCRA, Bluebonnet Co-op award $25,000 grant for community park upgrades

LCRA awards $39,200 grant to Valera Volunteer Fire Department

LCRA Board approves business and capital plans for fiscal year 2023

LCRA awards $20,572 grant for new rainwater collection system for Tow VFD

LCRA, PEC award $25,000 grant for new restrooms at popular Granite Shoals park

LCRA, PEC award $25,000 grant to historic Cox Springs School

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $16,476 grant to Dale VFD for rescue tools

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $24,720 Grant to Gay-Mound-Cedar Hill VFD

LCRA, City of Lexington award $50,000 grant for versatile new fire engine

LCRA, Bluebonnet Electric Co-op award $19,429 grant to Heart of the Pines VFD

LCRA, Bluebonnet Co-op award $15,900 grant to Bastrop County First Responders

LCRA awards $50,000 grant to Water Valley VFD for tanker truck, equipment

LCRA, Bandera Electric Co-op award $24,993 grant for new lighting at ballfields, playground

LCRA, Bandera Electric Co-op award $9,665 grant to expand recycling efforts

LCRA awards $6,649 grant for swift-water rescue equipment

LCRA awards $14,317 grant to Lake Dunlap VFD for new equipment

LCRA, PEC award $25,000 grant for new playground equipment

LCRA awards $20,878 grant to Coleman County Youth Activity Center

LCRA awards $20,000 grant for playground updates in Cross Plains

LCRA awards $25,000 grant to Callahan County ambulance service for new ventilators

LCRA, City of Yoakum award $23,520 grant to Yoakum Little League

LCRA, City of Cuero award $18,768 grant to Cuero VFD for emergency equipment

LCRA awards $4,935 grant to Ander-Weser Volunteer Fire Department


LCRA awards $10,385 grant to Rotary Club of Austin County for disc golf course

LCRA awards $20,000 grant for repairs to Boling Community Center

LCRA awards $24,168 grant for improvements at Columbus library

LCRA awards $157,350 in grants to aid water conservation projects

LCRA ‘Steps Forward Day’ volunteers tackle dozens of community projects


Deadline nearing for community groups to apply for LCRA grants



State approves updated Water Management Plan for lakes Buchanan, Travis

Contact Info

Clara Tuma, Public Information Officer
[email protected]

After hours: 512-944-6719