North McCamey to Sand Lake Transmission Project
LCRA TSC and Oncor are jointly proposing to build and operate a new 345-kilovolt transmission line to improve reliability and accommodate future demand and generating capacity growth in West Texas. The new transmission line is planned for portions of Crane, Crockett, Pecos, Reeves, Upton and Ward counties. It will connect LCRA TSC’s existing North McCamey Substation in Upton County with Oncor’s existing Sand Lake Substation in Reeves County, which are about 75 miles apart.
The project requires LCRA TSC and Oncor to amend their certificates of convenience and necessity (CCNs) with the Public Utility Commission of Texas. As part of the process, LCRA TSC and Oncor will seek input from state and local elected officials and various agencies to identify routing constraints to help determine potential locations for new transmission facilities and assess the project’s potential impacts. LCRA TSC and ONCOR will hold open houses for the public to learn more about the project and provide their feedback.
Latest Update – September 2024
Right-of-way acquisitions and engineering planning are underway for the project. Construction is scheduled to begin in October 2024.

Example LCRA TSC transmission structure for proposed project.
Previous Project Updates
November 2023
Nov. 30, 2023
PUC selects route for transmission line
The Public Utility Commission of Texas approved Route 65 consisting of the following links: A1-A2-A6-A9-C3-D2-E3-E6b-E8-E9-G3-G7-G9-G10-I12-M4-M8-O3-P4-P7-R3-R6-R10-T2-T4. See the ruling [PDF]. Use the interactive mapping tool to zoom in and out on aerial imagery depicting approved Route 65. Note: High-speed internet is recommended.
June 2023
June 22, 2023
Application filed with the Public Utility Commission of Texas
LCRA TSC and Oncor filed an application with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) on June 22 to amend their Certificates of Convenience and Necessity for the North McCamey to Sand Lake 345-kV Transmission Line Project. The application includes data on 82 alternative routes that range from approximately 87 to 107 miles. Numerous other routes could be created by combining the filed segments into additional routes. The route order is numerical and does not signify any preference on LCRA TSC’s or Oncor’s part as to which route is ultimately approved.
In the application, LCRA TSC and Oncor identify Route 65 (consisting of links A1-A2-A6-A9-C3-D2-E3-E6b-E8-E9-G3-G7-G9-G10-I12-M4-M8-O3-P4-P7-R3-R6-R10-T2-T4) as the filed route that LCRA TSC and Oncor believe best addresses the PUC’s routing criteria. LCRA TSC and Oncor based this on factors such as Route 65’s relatively low estimated cost and short length, and other
criteria relating to the overall manner in which Route 65 minimizes impacts to the community by following existing rights of way, minimizing the number of habitable structures within proximity to the project, and minimizing impacts to natural and cultural resources.
All routes and route links included in the application — available at the link above — are available for selection and approval by the PUC. The deadline for intervention in PUC docket No. 55121 is Aug. 7, 2023. If approved by the PUC, the transmission line is scheduled to be energized by June 2026.
Attachments to the CCN application:
- Figure 3-1A to the Environmental Assessment is an aerial map of habitable structures and other land use features in the vicinity of the primary alternative routes [PDF]
- Figure 3-1B to the Environmental Assessment is an aerial map of habitable structures and other land use features in the vicinity of the primary alternative routes [PDF]
- Figure 3-1C to the Environmental Assessment is an aerial map of habitable structures and other land use features in the vicinity of the primary alternative routes [PDF]
- Attachment 2: Oncor and LCRA Letter Agreement [PDF]
- Attachment 3: Layout of the Modified Oncor Sand Lake Station [PDF]
- Attachment 4: Layout of the Modified LCRA TSC North McCamey Station [PDF]
- Attachment 5: Cost Estimates [PDF]
- Attachment 6: Existing Transmission Area Map [PPDF]
- Attachment 7: ERCOT RPG Submittal-Bearkat-North McCamey-Sand Lake 345 kV Transmission Line Addition Project (April 7, 2022) [PDF]
- Attachment 8: ERCOT Independent Review of the Bearkat-North McCamey-Sand Lake 345-kV Transmission Line Addition Project (July 2022) [PDF]
- Attachment 9: August 2022 ERCOT Board of Director Meeting Minutes [PDF]
- Attachment 10: Schematic of Transmission System in Proximate Area [PDF]
- Attachment 11: Routing Memorandum [PDF]
- Attachment 12: Application Notice List [PDF]
- Attachment 13: Habitable Structures within 500 Feet of the Filed Alternative Routes [PDF]
- Attachment 14: Copy of Notice to Directly Affected Land Owners [PDF]
- Attachment 15: Copy of Utility and Public Officials Notice [PDF]
- Attachment 16: Newspaper Application Notice [PDF]
- Attachment 17: Copy of Pipeline Owners and Operator Notice PDF]
- Attachment 18: Cultural Resource Sites within 1,000 feet of Alternative Links [PDF]
- Attachment 19: TPWD Letter [PDF]
January 2023
Jan. 24, 2023
Open house materials
LCRA TSC and Oncor hosted open houses Jan. 17-18 to share information with the public and answer questions about the project. Review information from the open houses below.
- Maps: The following maps depict routing constraints and preliminary alternate route segments.
- Landowner notification letter [PDF]
- Newspaper ad [PDF]
Public open houses Jan. 17-18
Representatives from LCRA TSC, Oncor and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, the routing consulting firm, will be available to answer questions and discuss specific aspects of the project.
Jan. 17, 5-8 p.m.
Upton County 4H Community Center
18001 W. Hwy. 67, McCamey, TX 79752
Jan. 18, 4-7 p.m.
Reeves County Civic Center
1500 S. Cedar St. Pecos, TX 79772
Preliminary alternative route segments map now available
LCRA TSC and Oncor’s consultant, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, delineated the project study area and has begun data collection and constraint mapping. Click to view the alternative route segments map [PDF]. (Maps with more detail will be on view at the open houses.)
September 2022
Project Timeline
2022 | |
August | ERCOT Board designates project as Tier 1 critical status |
September-December | LCRA TSC/Oncor identify preliminary alternate route segments |
2023 | |
January | Public open houses Jan. 17 (Upton County Community Center) and Jan. 18 (Reeves County Civic Center) |
Spring/Summer | Filing of application for CCN amendments |
Winter | PUC decision and final route determination |
2026 | |
TBD | Estimated project in-service date |
Frequently asked questions [PDF]
Certificate process for transmission [PDF]
Interactive mapping tool: Zoom in and out on aerial imagery that depicts preliminary alternate transmission line route segments and property line information obtained from the county appraisal district. Note: High-speed internet is recommended.
Texas Landowner’s Bill of Rights
Alex Grimes, LCRA Senior Project Manager
Chris Reily, Oncor Regulatory Manager
Social Media