LCRA Public Safety D​epartment


What We Do

The LCRA Public Safety Department’s highly skilled staff work around-the-clock ensuring LCRA can deliver reliable energy, water and community services. Specialized teams provide law enforcement and physical security services through five strategic initiatives:

  • Securing LCRA infrastructure.
  • Enforcing laws on LCRA lands.
  • Enforcing laws on LCRA-managed water.
  • Protecting LCRA-managed environmental resources.
  • Providing emergency response and resilience.

Protecting the people, assets and interests of LCRA and the natural resources of Texas.​

Find out about current openings with the LCRA Public Safety Department on our career site​.

LCRA Rangers and Security Officers​

The department’s front line in protecting LCRA are the Rangers and security officers.

  • Rangers are certified peace officers with legal authority to enforce laws and LCRA Land and Water Use Regulations. They proactively patrol LCRA assets, including infrastructure, LCRA-managed lands and LCRA-managed waters. Additionally, they investigate crimes committed against LCRA and in some situations provide law enforcement or other support to local communities during emergencies.
  • Armed security officers are licensed through the Texas Department of Public Safety and provide security services and access control at selected locations. They detect, deter and respond to threats against LCRA.​

Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience

Monitoring and communications are key parts of protecting LCRA’s infrastructure and providing emergency management in the communities served by the Lower Colorado River Authority.

  • LCRA technicians install and maintain security systems, surveillance cameras and alarms to detect security concerns at LCRA facilities.
  • LCRA operates a 24/7 communications center where staff dispatches calls for service, monitors in-house alarms and surveillance cameras, and coordinates first-responder resources with other agencies.
  • LCRA’s emergency management staff works directly with all LCRA business units and coordinates closely with federal, state and local emergency management officials to provide assistance with emergency situations.
  • LCRA also operates the Emergency Management Radio Network, which links emergency management coordinators along the lower Colorado River using LCRA’s 900-MHz radio system.
  • For notifications about LCRA floodgate operations, you can sign up for free automated Flood Operations Notification Service (FONS) alerts.

Compliments and Complaints

The LCRA Public Safety Department is committed to providing the best law enforcement service possible and is focused on the welfare of all who use our parks and waterways. We want to know when employees exceed or fall short of that goal.

Texas law requires all complaints against peace officers be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. Complaints can be mailed to the LCRA Chief of Public Safety at P.O. Box 220, Austin, TX 78767 or hand delivered to 3700 Lake Austin Blvd., Austin, TX 78703.

You may also contact the Chief’s office at 512-578-3246 or [email protected].


Please contact us with questions or comments about LCRA’s Public Safety Department. You can reach LCRA’s Public Safety Department by filling out the form below or by calling 866-527-2267. Please note this form should not be used to file a complaint.