Grant Completion Process
Required documentation
- Project photos.
- Photo(s) of signage recognizing the CDPP grant from LCRA.
- A signed final completion report.
Ways to submit documentation
- Upload to the online grant portal.
- Email to [email protected].
- Mail to:
Lower Colorado River Authority
CDPP Grants Department
P.O. Box 220
Austin, TX 78767-0220
LCRA will notify you when the documentation has been approved and your grant has been closed.
See additional information about the required completion documentation below.
Project photos
Submit photos of:
- Before, during and after renovation and construction projects.
- New equipment/vehicles and replaced equipment/vehicles, if applicable.
- Recognition signage posted at the project site.
Short ‘thank you’ videos during receipt/installation of equipment or at project completion at the project site can be submitted to [email protected].
LCRA periodically highlights grant projects by using photos and videos online, on social media and in promotional materials.
Recognition signage
- No size or material requirements.
- Must be permanent.
- Must be clearly visible to the public.
- Must recognize CDPP.
- Must recognize LCRA and LCRA’s project partner, if applicable. Refer to Article 8 of the letter agreement for required acknowledgements.
For equipment and vehicles, signage can be placed on the equipment or vehicle or at the organization’s main place of business.
Signage wording examples
- [Organization] acknowledges the Lower Colorado River Authority and [LCRA’s Project Partner] for the [Year] Community Development Partnership Program grant that funded renovations to the [Project Description].
- This project was made possible in part by a [Year] Community Development Partnership Program grant from the Lower Colorado River Authority and [LCRA’s Project Partner].
- Construction of this [Project Description] was made possible in part by a Community Development Partnership Program grant from the Lower Colorado River Authority and [LCRA’s Project Partner] in [Year].
- [Year] [Project Description] funded in part by a Community Development Partnership Program grant from the Lower Colorado River Authority and [LCRA’s Project Partner].
If you have questions, would like staff to review recognition signage, or need LCRA’s logo, please contact CDPP staff at [email protected].
Recognition sign examples

Final completion report
A final completion report is required for all approved grants and must be submitted to LCRA within four weeks after the project is completed.
Reports should be concise and include only relevant information. Once submitted, CDPP staff will review the report and will be in touch with any questions. LCRA will notify you when the report has been approved and your grant has been closed.
Modifications or extensions
Grant recipients must provide a written request if the scope, timeline or nature of the project as originally proposed and for which the grant was awarded has changed. You also must submit a written request to extend the completion date if your project is delayed.
You must receive written approval from LCRA before implementing any changes or the grant may be rescinded.
CDPP Grants Department
P.O. Box 220
Austin, TX 78767-0220
Transfer or disposal
Equipment and improvements purchased or funded with CDPP funds must remain open and accessible to the public or be used for a public purpose for the useful life of the equipment or improvement, or for at least 10 years, whichever is longer.
When equipment or improvements purchased or funded with CDPP funds are no longer needed for the original project purposes or have not met the public use requirements, the recipient must complete and submit a transfer request form to LCRA to transfer the asset to another eligible use or purpose.
If the equipment or improvements have met the public use requirements and are no longer needed for the original project purposes, recipients must complete and submit the disposal request form.
CDPP Grants Department
P.O. Box 220
Austin, TX 78767-0220
800-776-5272, ext. 3140
[email protected]
800-776-5272, ext. 1627
Social Media