Water, power and community services

Texans depend on LCRA for vital services such as providing a clean and reliable water supply, managing the lower Colorado River, producing and moving power across the state, and more.
We manage the lower 600 miles of the Colorado River, securing and protecting the water supply for more than 1.4 million people and managing floodwaters that otherwise could devastate Austin and other communities. Cities, businesses, industries, agriculture and the environment all rely on water from the Colorado River.
Wholesale power
LCRA has been the primary wholesale provider of electricity in Central Texas since 1937. Today we sell wholesale electricity to more than 30 retail utilities, including cities and electric cooperatives that serve one of the nation’s fastest growing regions.
LCRA Transmission Services Corporation is one of the largest transmission providers in Texas, moving power across the state through more than 5,000 miles of transmission lines in about 80 counties.
We own or operate more than 40 beautiful parks, recreation areas and river access sites that provide people with outdoor adventure and access to the Colorado River.
Community and public services
We partner with our customers on volunteer service projects and community grants that support fire departments, emergency medical services and other local projects. We also provide public safety, telecommunications and other services that support the continued vitality and economic health of the region.
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