Martha Leigh M. Whitten
San Saba County

Martha Leigh M. Whitten is owner and operator of Alamo Pecan & Coffee Company, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas, San Saba Division, and Whitten ranching operations. She served on the San Saba City Council, City Parks Board and San Saba Independent School District Advisory Committee. After receiving her accounting degree from Texas A&M University, Whitten worked at Ernst & Whinney (now Ernst & Young) in Austin, Whitten & Rennscheidt CPAs and Whitten & Williams CPAs. She also serves as the assistant treasurer for the First Baptist Church Stewardship Committee and on the Angel Tree Project for Needy Children. Whitten is the daughter of Jack B. Miller, who served on the LCRA Board from 1985 until his passing in 1991, and Betty Jo Miller, who served during the remainder of her husband’s Board term and continued serving until 1997. Gov. Greg Abbott appointed Whitten to the Board in 2015 and reappointed her in 2021 for a term that expires Feb. 1, 2027.
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