Business Opportunity Details
RFP 12828 - High pressure hydro and chemical cleaning services |
Category | Services |
Type | Request for Proposals |
Solicitation Number | 12828 |
Title | High pressure hydro and chemical cleaning services |
Summary | The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) is soliciting proposals from qualified, eligible suppliers for high pressure hydro and chemical cleaning services. Participation Due to the confidentiality of the RFP documents, please send to [email protected] the signed document “0. RFP 12828_Confidentiality Agreement” in order for the RFP package to be released. |
Meeting Information | Date: September 28th, 2023 Pre-Proposal Meeting & site visit. The pre-proposal meeting is not mandatory; but strongly encouraged. This meeting is planned to be held in-person. Suppliers interested in the pre-proposal meeting & site visit, should contact [email protected] for details about the meeting & location. The deadline to confirm participation for the site visit is September 26th, 2023, @3:00 pm CST.
Question Deadline | Friday, October 6, 2023 04:00 PM CT |
Submission Deadline | Friday, October 20, 2023 05:00 PM CT |
Submission Information | LCRA accepts responses electronically. Please address your response to [email protected] and include the agent’s name and 5-digit solicitation number in the subject line of your email to help ensure it is directed to the proper person. |
Authorized Agent | |
Attachments | 0. RFP 12828_Confidentiality Agreement
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